SEPA Science Policy Symposium



Website design and marketing for the 2nd Annual Science Policy Symposium held at Rockefeller University in NYC.

The client required a webpage where scientists and graduate students interested in participating in the event could register by providing information about their research/field of study. Over 400 individuals registered using the customized form resulting in a turnout of over 200 participants during the poster session.

The webpage also provided a detailed schedule of events at the symposium, bios for the 5 featured speakers, information about the organizations involved, and directions via google maps.

The timeline was used as a guide for all visitors during the symposium, providing a quick way to reference the schedule of events via mobile device.

Live site »

Technology Used

The symposium event webpage was designed be fully functional and accessible for every screen size.
A style guide was created for use as a reference for color, typography, and media assets.
style guide
A standing poster was designed and printed for the event to display the speaker timeline, locations, and general information about SEPA.
A trifold brochure was designed and printed for the event. The brochure contained information including the symposium schedule, speaker bios, and sponsorship opportunities.
trifold 02